Subsurface Void Identification

Voids can form from a variety of reasons, although a primary driving factor is the result of geological processes ranging from subsidence to dissolution or washout. The primary resulting factors have a significant influence over civil built structures such as coastal sea walls and retaining walls including supporting road cuts. Whether from sea surge penetrating a coastal wall over time and washing out material behind or dissolution of a soft limestone behind a retaining wall, structures can become venerable to unsupported void space. A GPR survey is therefore an incredibly cost-effective and non-invasive way of examining the likelihood of any developing voids.

Any enquiry will start with Vision’s technical management looking at the best approach to producing a quality and representative survey utilizing a wealth of experience from the civil build industry to geological and technical sciences across the team. A survey can be tailored to the area in question whether it is a concrete carpark slab undergoing subsidence in isolated areas or a canal lock showing signs of dissolution behind the supporting wall.


  • Confirms the presence of any void space without compromising structural integrity through invasive works.
  • Construction and remediation planning can account for the extent of void space present and exact location.
  • Enables a cost calculation to the extent of remediation works.

To find out more about the different types of GPR services, contact us: 01293 223435 or